The War On Truth - Out Now!

I have on my phone a list of books/series that I hope to get to one day for The Fuel Project, but there was never any doubt about which one needed to come next. With all the events of 2016 from Trump and Brexit to the ongoing issues with gay marriage, transgenderism, Islamic terrorism, feminism and the general confusion that is filling our culture, I've been absolutely bursting to talk about what's going on here. The War On Truth is the result of around 2 months of solid, intensive work and I fully believe that once you've read it, you will have a newfound clarity on this generation. Check out the trailer below:

To purchase the book, just click here.

The next step for us is a video series for this title. To support the making of those videos, remember you can now partner with us through our Patreon page. Just click the logo below.