The Reason For Pain | Download now available!

The full “Reason For Pain” series, including the Q&A, and totalling around 4.5 hours, is now available to download in 4k resolution! By downloading, you will be able to skip YouTube adverts, and are also welcome to make copies, share with others, watch with groups, and transfer onto physical media.

Click the image to go direct to the download page or visit

The recommended price is $20 but it’s been left open so you can set your own.

The episode listing is:

  1. The Fall

  2. The Attitude Makes The Difference

  3. The Chance To Live

  4. The Good God

  5. The Interest

  6. The Heroes Revealed

  7. The Refined Character

  8. The Spoiling

  9. The Hard Way

  10. The Death Redefined

  11. The Unknown

  12. The Book of Job

  13. The Free-Will Problem

  14. The Atheist’s Conundrum

  15. The Interventions

  16. The Wake-Up Call

  17. The Suffering Shared

  18. Conclusion/Summary

  19. Q&A